Spaying and neutering your pet is one of the best ways to ensure they remain healthy and happy. Not only does it help reduce the risk of certain health problems, but it can also help your pet stay calm and well-behaved. Spaying or neutering your pet also helps to control the pet population, which is important for both animal welfare and public safety! The veterinarians at Aloha Animal Hospital in Vista, CA are here to help you make the best decision for your pet.
request an appointmentWhat are Spaying and Neutering?
Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures that remove the reproductive organs of your pet. For female pets, this means removing the ovaries and uterus, and for male pets, this means removing the testicles. These procedures are also sometimes called “sterilization” or “fixing” your pet.
There are many benefits to spaying and neutering your pet, including:
- Health Benefits: Spaying or neutering your pet can help reduce the risk of certain health problems, such as cancer of the reproductive organs.
- Behavior Benefits: Pets that are spayed or neutered tend to be calmer and less likely to mark their territory (urinate in the house) or roam away from home.
- Population Control: Every year, thousands of pets end up in shelters because there are simply too many animals and not enough homes for them all. Spaying or neutering your pet helps to reduce the number of unwanted animals, which is good for both animal welfare and public safety.
Is Spaying and Neutering Part of Preventative Care?
Yes! Spaying and neutering are important preventative care procedures that can help your pet live a long and healthy life. At Aloha Animal Hospital, we recommend spaying or neutering your pet as part of their regular wellness care. If you notice your pet suffering from issues such as:
- Mounting
- Aggression
- Anxiety
- Spraying
- Runaway behavior
These behaviors could be a sign that your pet is in heat or feeling hormonal. Spaying or neutering can help to reduce these behaviors and make your pet feel more comfortable.
What is the Best Age to Spay or Neuter My Pet?
For dogs, when we recommend spaying or neutering may vary based on the breed. For cats, we recommend spaying or neutering before they reach sexual maturity, which is typically around 4-5 months of age.
Find the Best Puppy Care and Kitten Care at Aloha Animal Hospital
At Aloha Animal Hospital, we offer puppy care and kitten care, including preventative care to help your pet thrive. Call us today to schedule an appointment and speak to our veterinarian about spaying and neutering services in Vista, CA.